HUSYCA was born in 1987 as a result of the project of three professionals with common interests and concerns, who pooled their knowledge and experience in the machining of screws and barrels in Barcelona.
Since its inception, HUSYCA has distinguished itself by providing exceptional customer service, guaranteeing the total quality of its finished products, offering assistance in new designs for higher performance in its projects and constantly seeking improvements in training and machinery.
This commitment has led HUSYCA to position itself as one of the leading companies in the screw and barrel machining sector in Spain, after more than 35 years of hard work and dedication.
We operate both nationally and internationally, with sales offices in several areas of Spain and Portugal.
HUSYCA’s own facilities cover more than 2,000 square meters specially designed for the manufacture and repair of screws, barrels and auxiliary elements for injection, extrusion, blow molding and 3D printing. We have a Commercial Department focused on providing the best service to our customers, as well as an experienced Technical Office, a qualified staff and a technology that enables the manufacture of screws and barrels with high quality, in addition to having very competitive delivery times.
Today, the values and know-how that have consolidated HUSYCA as an outstanding company in the manufacture of screws and barrels have been passed on to the next generation, which, in addition to its commitment to sustainability, has been able to adapt them to contemporary means, always maintaining the same spirit of service, speed and quality.
We manufacture and repair all kinds of screws for the transformation of plastics, thermoplastics, rubber and silicones, etc. We shield our screws with the most advanced special welding techniques such as powder welding. Against abrasion, corrosion and agents that accelerate wear and tear due to use, we use materials as resistant as tungsten carbide, colmonoy, stellite, etc.
We manufacture chambers for single screw, rotating and counter-rotating double screw, both parallel and conical. We offer both standard sizes and custom sizes. In our manufacturing process we use bimetallic technology with a different range of alloys.
Our technical department will propose new solutions related to product problems. We don’t just copy the laminator kit you’re already using, we study each case and offer a customized and improved solution.
We repair all kinds of screws and barrels, leaving them with the same characteristics and dimensions as the original ones. We internally rectify the barrels and carry out the subsequent hardness treatment. The screws are reconditioned with the most advanced coatings through the welding process.
Equipment assembly and disassembly service directly at our clients’ facilities, helping to simplify their processes.